Grievances & Complaints
Nurturing Expressions strives to provide excellent customer service and quality products. In the event that a grievance or complaint is filed, a log is maintained which includes the following information:
- Date complaint received and by whom
- Name, address, insurance policy number, Medicare(HIC#), and contact number of individual contacting organization
- Issue, complaint, or grievance
- Investigation and response to complaint
- Resolution of issue with attached documentation when necessary
Within five (5) calendar days of receiving a complaint, Nurturing Expressions shall notify the client, using oral, telephone, e-mail, fax, or letter format, that it has received the complaint that it is investigating. Within 14 calendar days Nurturing Expressions shall provide written notification to the client of the results of its investigation and response. Nurturing Expressions maintains documentation of all complaints that it receives copies of the investigations, and responses to beneficiaries.
Protocol for Resolving Complaints from Beneficiaries:
The client has the right to freely voice grievance and recommend changes in care of services without fear of reprisal or unreasonable interruption of services. Service, equipment, and billing complaints will be communicated to management and upper management. These complaints will be documented in the Beneficiaries Complaint Log, and completed forms will include the client’s name, address, telephone number, and health insurance claim number, a summary of the complaint, the date it was received, the name of the person receiving the complaint, and a summary of the actions taken to resolve the complaint.
All complaints will be handled in a professional manner. All logged complaints will be investigated, acted upon, and responded to in writing or by telephone by a manager within a reasonable amount of time after the receipt of the complaint. If there is no satisfactory resolution of the complaint, the next level of management will be notified progressively and up to the owner(s)of the company.
The client will be informed of this complaint resolution protocol at the time of set-up of service.